Fred likes fish very much. One day, he buys(买)some fish and takes it home. His son sees the fish and says to himself, Very good! I can ask my friends to have it for lunch.
The next day (第二天), Fred comes home in the evening. The fish isn t there. His son says, Oh, dad, your cat eats the fish. Fred gets angry (生气). He takes the cat and his son to the shop and weighs (称) the cat. Then he says, Little boy, my fish weighs one kilo, and the cat weighs one kilo too. My fish is here, then where is my cat?
A. fish B. meat C. bread D. bananas
A. Fred B. Fred s friend C. Fred s son D. Friends
A. fish B. cat C. his son D. himself
A. two kilos B. three kilos C. half a kilo D. one kilo
A. Fred and his friends eat the fish. B.The cat weighs two kilos .
Hello! My name is Betty. Here is a picture of my family. The woman on the left is my mother. She is very good at English and Chinese. She also enjoys singing and dancing. She teaches English in a school. She loves her students very much. And her students love her English class very much.
The man on the right is my father. You see, he is very tall and fat. He has very short hair and small eyes. He is good at playing football. He doesn t like cooking. He is interested in sailing. Because he is a good sailor(海员).
The girl in the middle is me. I am an active girl. I have beautiful long hair and big bright eyes. My hobby is playing the piano. And I am also good at English. I love my parents. They are very kind to me.
A. my mother B. my father C. me D. my grandpa
A. Cooking B. Sailing C. Singing D. Playing the piano.
A. They have no hobbies. B. We have the same hobbies.
Mr. and Mrs. Green have two children, a son and a daughter. The son s name is Jim. He is fourteen. He likes playing football very much.
Every day, when school is over, he puts on his red football clothes and white football shoes, then goes to play football with his friends.
Their daughter, Kate, goes home on time after school. She is twelve. She often helps her mother clean the room. She likes wearing a yellow blouse and blue trousers. Look! She is washing clothes at home now. Whose clothes are they? The green dress is Mrs. Green s. The white shirt is her father s. Whose white shoes are those? They are very dirty. They are Jim s. Kate is washing them carefully. What a good girl!
In China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in March and ends in May. Summer is often very hot. It is from June to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn begins in September, and goes on to November. The weather can be very warm in autumn. Winter is from December to February, and it is very cold. You must wear(穿)lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold.
The seasons of the year in England and America are nearly(几乎)the same. But the weather in England never gets too hot or too cold. The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August. So when it is spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.
Sally s old grandfather lived with her. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch. But one morning a police car stopped near Sally s house at twelve o clock, and two policemen helped her grand- father to get out. One of them said to Sally, The old man lost his way(迷路) in the park and called us for help, so we sent a car to bring him home. Sally was very surprised (惊讶), but she thanked the policemen and they left. But, grandfather, she asked, you go to the park every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way (迷路) ? The old man smiled and said, I didn t lose my way. I was just tired and didn t want to walk home.
( )5. The old man didn t lose his way, he was just tired and didn t want to walk home.
Mr. Black and Mr. White worked in the same bookstore. One day Mr. Black said to Mr. White, We are going to have a small party at our house next Saturday evening. Will you and your wife come?
Mr. White said, Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. After he telephoned, he looked surprised.
No, answered Mr. White. She wasn t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, Is your mother there, Peter? And he answered, No, she is not at home. Where is she then? I asked. She is outside. What is she doing? She is looking for me.
A. In a school B. In a bookstore C. In a hotel
A. Mr. Black B. Mr. White C. Mr. Black and Mr. White
A. Mr. Black s son B. Mr. White s wife C. Mr. White s son
Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.
One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.
It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说): Don t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn t very bad.
A. It was hot B. It was windy and cold C. It was sunny D. It was snowing
A. Because she was very cold. B. Because she was very sad.
C. make Mrs. Jones angry D. laugh at (嘲笑) Mrs. Jones
I have a good friend. Her name is Lisa. She isn t Chinese, but American. She likes studying in China. She likes Chinese food very much. She spent the Spring Festival in Beijing last year. She was very happy. She watched TV on the eve of the Spring Festival. She ate jiaozi that night. Her father is a worker and her mother is a teacher. They love China very much. They think Chinese people are very friendly.
One day, Mr White came home very late. He looked for the key to the door, but can t find it.
He lost his key. He rang the bell, nothing happened. He did it again. Nobody moved inside the room. Mr White knocked at the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. He said, Mother, I want to go to the toilet. He spoke quite quietly , but at once Mrs White woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.
Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other. Sometimes they were not. But the other students around them said they were like brothers.
One day, they went out for a walk together. At noon, they wanted to eat something and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter asked them, What can I do for you?
When the waiter put the two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one very fast. Tom got angry. You are not polite. Why didn t you take the smaller one? Tom said.
But I was right, said Mike with a smile. If I let you take first, which one do you take?
I will take the smaller one, said Tom. Yes, Mike said, If you take the smaller one, the bigger one will be mine. Don t you think so?
( ) 4. Mike took the apple. A. better B. smaller C. bigger D. red
A. Mike B. Tom C. The waiter D. Both Mike and Tom
95%以上的孩子在智力上并无多大差异,可智力水平相近的孩子却因为学习方法不同呈现了不同的学习效果,从而影响终身,形成了不同的人生命运,那么家长应该如何教育孩子呢?这8个学习方法,学龄童妈妈一定要教给孩子! 细想一下,您家孩子有正确的学习方法吗?家长应该如何指导孩子掌握正确的学习方法?小测试:3分钟,10个问题,让你判断出孩子的学习方法是否正确! ①你制定有一套学习计划和学习目标吗? ②你能按时完成作业并及时预习和复习吗? ③你能集中精力学习,把被动学习变为主动吗? 4你每次读书都会认真做笔记吗? 除了学会运用公式定理,还知道它们是如何推导出来的。 ⑥学完的知识,你能对它进行归纳总结并找出重难点吗? ⑦你能够经常熟练使用各种工具书吗? ⑧你和老师及同学有良好的沟通吗? ⑨在课堂中,你能迅速抓住所讲重点并融会贯通吗? 10在每次的大小考试中,你都能保持良好的考试心态吗? 对于这些问题的答案,回答是则给10分,否则不给分。回答不一定的题目给5分。各题分数相加后,若总分在65分以下,则说明你的学习方法需要改进。 孩子不能掌握正确学习方法有什么表现? 1.学习无计划 看什么、做什么、学什么都心中无数,总是想老师要我做什么,而不是我要做什么。 2.不会科学利用时间。 有的孩子说: 每天就是上课、回家、吃饭、做作业、睡觉,哪还有多余的时间供自己安排 。 ,还有的孩子平时松松垮垮,临到考试手忙脚乱。这些都是没有正确学习方法的表现哦。 4.不求甚解,死记硬背。 依赖这种方法的学生会说: 谢天谢地,考试总算结束了现在我可以把那些东西忘得一干二净了。 这样的学生,往往没有掌握好的学习方法。 7.不能形成知识结构。 有的学生单元测验成绩很好,可一到综合考试就不行了,其原因也往往在于他们没有掌握知识间的联系,没有形成相应的知识结构。 5.不会听课 课前不预习,对上课内容完全陌生,无法带着疑问去学,听课时开小差,不会记笔记,等等。 6.不会阅读 不善于选择阅读书目,完全凭个人兴趣或完全听从老师的安排。 6.抓不住重点和难点。 不善于寻找重点和难点,找不到学习上的突破口,眉毛胡子一把抓,分散和浪费了时间与精力。 8。理论与实际脱离。 方法不当的学生往往只满足于学习书本上的知识,不善于在实践中学习、在实践中运用,不能用所学知识解决实际问题。 9。不善于科学用脑。 学习时不注意劳逸结合,不善于转移大脑兴奋中心,使大脑终日昏昏沉沉,影响学习效率。 上述表现是中小学生中常见的,一个学习方法不当的学生,总会有其中一种或几种表现。认识到这些表现,进而弄清其背后的原因,老师们才能够有的放矢,有针对性地对学生进行指导。 孩子学习方法不当,父母需要做什么? 1.必须要有耐心,情绪稳定。 情绪稳定学习方法的问题是基础性的根本性的问题,不能操之过急。 2.父母应该和孩子进行诚恳沟通。 交谈时,应该表示理解孩子在学习上遇到困难或挫折是难免的。还可以谈自己过去学习成功或失败的经验教训,并了解以下几个方面:在学习上是否尽了全力?②你是否认为自己无法搞好学习?③你需要什么帮助吗? 3.应向孩子的老师、同学、或朋友了解孩子学习上的问题所在。 了解这些:学生上课是否用心?孩子平时喜欢与哪些人一起玩?有没有受到什么样的消极影响?孩子的特长是什么?兴趣是什么? 4.要有正确的奖惩标准。 当学生考试失败时,大加指责埋怨,严加管教,往往使学生恐惧考试,回避学习,不愿再做出努力。有的父母是许诺孩子,如果考试得了多少分或第几名就给什么样的奖励,如果考不好就给什么样的惩罚。这容易让孩子过于追求表面的分数,正确的做法是在孩子好好学习的时候给孩子以表扬。 5.要有正确的分数观。 家长对考试分数的种种不合理态度,会对孩子心理的健康发展影响的很大。因此,要摆正考试分数的位子。考试分数固然重要,但它毕竟只是衡量学习成绩的标准之一,而不是全部。 总之,家长应从培养孩子的学习兴趣、学习习惯,改进孩子学习方法、提高其学习能力方面着手,进而提高孩子的学习成绩。 应在孩子掌握并使用正确的学习方法时多加以表扬,不应该在孩子得好分数时过多地奖励,也不应在孩子考得不好时又过分指责打击。 教给孩子8种有效的学习方法 1.制定合理的学习计划。 帮助孩子设定一个目标,并为他制定一个学习计划。督促孩子执行学习计划。在计划执行过程中,要时刻督促孩子,发现孩子的进步时,及时给予表扬。在孩子遇到困难时,鼓励他,去战胜困难,必要时给予孩子适当帮助。 2、必要的课前预习。 课前预习的基本要求是:认真阅读教材,了解教材内容,思考内容重点,找出学习难点,做好听讲准备。在孩子认真阅读材料的过程中,新的知识吸引他,有不认识的字或不懂的词语,必须查工具书争取自己学会。不明白的内容用铅笔划出来,准备课堂上听老师讲解。 4.听好40分钟的课。 因此家长要告诉孩子,每节课仲应该明确地记住重点和难点,基础知识、定义、定理要进行强制记忆,要掌握例题的解答步骤、方法。孩子不认真听讲,一般有根本听不懂、自制力差、缺乏学习兴趣三个原因,家长要及时了解并针对其原因去解决。上课要积极参与互动,老师评价其他同学的回答时,自己评价自己做得如何,肯定自己的优点,找到不足,进行自我激励。 4.提高作业质量 做作业的要求是看清题,抄准题,理清思路,一次做对,认真检查,自己复查。家长在检查作业后,发现错误,不要直接告诉孩子哪儿错了,而应让孩子自己再仔细检查。 5.及时纠正错题 找一个专用的本子,每次作业或考试出现错误,就在专用的本子上将题目抄下,按正确的方法重做一遍后,分析错误原因。 6.做好读书笔记和摘要。 包括以下内容:记下书名、作者;采摘生字、新词及佳句;记录方要人物和主要内容;在书上批注;列提纲;写读后感。 7、学会使用工具书。 对于小学生来说,最主要的是学会查字典。要有迅速、准确地从字典中查出生字词(单词)的能力,还要有联系上下文语言环境选择恰当的义项解释词语的能力。要具备这样能力,就必须要求孩子勤查字典,并进而养成习惯。 8.培养思维能力 重视求异思维、发散思维、辩证思维等思维方法的培养,使孩子的思维能够灵活运转。 总之,家长应从培养孩子的学习兴趣、学习习惯,改进孩子学习方法、提高其学习
语文学习是一个长期积累的过程,需要在生活中、学习中不断的积累。因此,可以让学生利用生活中零碎的时间去学习,看一点,记一点;积累一些零碎的知识,在不经意中建造自己知识的高塔。鲁迅先生就善于翻阅各门各类的书,随时随地积累自己有用的知识。 要知学问难,在乎点滴勤 , 聚沙成塔,集腋成裘 ,微小的量的积累,会带来质的飞跃。对于语文学科来说,只有知识的广博积累,才有语文听说读写能力的提高;只有学富五年,才能才高八斗。 做生活的有心人,做语文学习的有心人,点点滴滴地学习,可以把语文学习变成非常有趣味的事情。当人们很随意地学习东西的时候,依着自己的兴趣学东西的时候,学习就会变成一件乐事。 二、回忆内容促进记忆 每天晚上睡觉前,把当天学习的内容在脑子里过一遍,加深记忆,这种方法对学好语文是很有帮助的。在回忆的过程中难免会遇到想不起来的内容,此时要及时翻一下书,然后合上书本再回忆一遍。如果还没睡着可以把当天的学习内容多回忆几次。由于刚上完课,学生对大部分内容还有印象,往往用很短的时间就回忆完了。如果回到家,书一合,对所讲的内容不理不睬,到期末复习时,对堆积如山的知识点会使学生 望题兴叹 。急来抱佛脚不如睡前多回忆来得好。 三、好记性不如烂笔头 学习语文,是一个阅读、思考、写作相结合的过程,读读、思思、写写多结合才能提高学习效率。阅读的同时要人,甚至请教别人也只停留在只知其然不知其所以然上,这样是不能掌握所学知识的。为了使书本知识真正变为自己的知识就必须教会学生遇到问题独立思考。 写读书笔记,把书中最有价值的内容记下来,也要把自己阅读中的新思考、新想法记下来。经常这样做就能提高自己的语文听说读写能力了。 四、磨刀不误砍柴工 学生做习题时,不要急于去做,一定要想一想老师讲的例题是什么意思或先看书,把所讲的内容全部弄懂后,再做习题。这样就会感到轻松自如。常言道:磨刀不误砍柴工,就是这个道理。做练习是为了牢固掌握所学的知识,那些图快、图省事欲走捷径的学生,似懂非懂,一味地为做习题而做,常常会到处碰壁,走进死胡同。返回头再看书,事倍功半。 五、遇到问题独立思考 在学习上遇到困难时,要求学生不要急于求教于别人,独立思考是把死知识变为自己的东西的最有效方法。碰上百思不得其解的问题再去请教老师或同学,一但弄明白,印象会很深刻。而我们的一些学生,懒于动脑筋,耻于问 六、加强背诵 托尔斯泰曾经说过:背诵是记忆力的体操。适当背诵些有价值的材料,犹如常做体操增强体力一样,可增强记忆力。据生理学家研究,重复的刺激可以帮助条件反射的建立和强化。要求学生把有价值的材料背下来,对增强记忆力,提高学习成绩很有帮助。俗话说 挖到篮子里才是菜 ,意思是说,很多知识,你只有记住了才对自己管用。因此,必须想方法记住知识。记忆知识,可分为内部记忆和外部记忆。记在大脑里为内部记忆,记在大脑以外,书本中、读书笔记中、日记中、摘抄本中、电脑里为外部记忆。大脑是储存知识的仓库,科学家们曾经讲过,大脑储存记忆知识的功能开发利用的不到10%,应开发和充分利用大脑的储存功能,记忆储存更多的知识。但对一般人来讲,大脑及时记住知识的能力是弱的,过目不忘的人毕竟是少的,很多人记住知识是要靠反复的记忆。因此,要在大脑之外建立知识的仓库,这种知识的仓库,可以是书本、笔记、日记、摘抄本、电脑,平时经常翻看检阅,就可以把外部记忆变为内部记忆,真正转化为对自己有用的东西。很多知识只有经过不断的反复的强化记忆,才能在自己大脑里扎根。知识积累的多了,才能从根本提高自己的语文能力。
31 30=1(天),那就是下月的1日即10月1日,时间是6师:同学们,神舟六号的成功发射,使我们在探索太空的道路上又迈进了一大步。下面让我们一起回到神六升空的激动人心的时刻。(课件播放神舟六号发射实况片段)发射前的倒计时已经开始了,让我们一起来倒计时。
时。A. walk to school B. go out C. go to school D. go home