Hello! My name is
p__l__t d__ct__ __ w__ __ker n__ __se p__li__ __man f__ __mer __ __ __th
飞行员 医生 工人 护士 警察 农民 地球
sh__ __t t__ __l f__st ra__ __ d__nc__ __ h__bb__ f__m__ly
短的 高的 快的 赛跑 舞蹈演员 爱好 家庭
tall ---- ( ) small----( ) old----( )
short ----( ) long--- -( ) big----( )
good friends in the sky
五个渔夫一起去河边钓鱼。一天下来,发现有个人丢了正在这时,一个小女孩从河边经过。她问了问情况,马上看出了问题所在,略施小计就找到了 丢失的渔夫 ,并赢得了全部的鱼!她是如何找到的呢?
One day five fishermen go fishing. They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. What a fine supper we will have! says one fisherman. Now let s go home. Are we all here? Let me count first, says another. One, two, three, four. Oh, no! One of us is missing! It cannot be! says another. So he begins to count. One, two, three, four. I see four fishermen too! One of us has drowned! All the fishermen hug each other. They cry and cry.
Just then a little girl comes by. Why are you so sad? she asks them. One fisherman is missing, says one fisherman. One, two, three, four, he counts again.The little girl sees his mistake right away. The fisherman forgets to count himself. Will you give me your fish if I find your friend? she asks. Yes! Yes! they say.
Now jump into the river one at a time, the little girl tells them. And I will count you. Splash! Splash... The fishermen jump into the river one by one. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Five! the fishermen shout, We found our lost friend! The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. They have no fish for supper. But they are all together and happy again.
4.( )I like painting, so my parents took me to the Japan Pavilion (日本馆) to see the famous paintings.
1.F.从文章第一句One day five fishermen go fishing.可以知道他们是去 钓鱼 ,不是去 打猎 噢
2.T.从文章第二、三句They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. 可以知道 每个渔夫都钓到了一条大鱼呢! 可是题目中说的是small fish 小鱼 ,所以本题错误啦。
3.F.从文章倒数第三句The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. 可以知道这题是正确的噢。
A teacher B farmer C worker
A The moon B The sun C The earth
A taller B longer C tall
A young / old B old / young C old / younger
A collect B collecting C collectting
teacher short earth pilot tall collect doctor climb
listen win star farmer moon long nurse youngSun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.
My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. ? That is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird. It is a parrot.
小学语文的高段(五、六年级)教学,着重是进行篇的训练,要在加强对课文条理、层次、内容理解、篇章结构训练的基础上,突出布局谋篇的训练。这时的学生,年龄已达十一、二岁。从心理特征上看,他们已能长时间地、有效地知觉事物,能区分事物主要和次要的特征,思维的发展已达到以抽象思维为主,观察事物、认识事物的能力大大加强。从学习方法上看,他们已基本学会和掌握学习语文知识基本的、具体的学习方法,因此,在这个阶段中,对学生学习方法的要求是:熟练掌握学习语文知识的基本学习方法,并在此基础上有新的提高。 1.学会用 比较法 掌握不同类型课文的内容、结构、特点。 2.学会用 质疑法 阅读课文,通过边读、边质疑、边释疑的过程得到新的知识。 3.学会用 连缀段意法 、 找中心句法 、 审题归纳法 、 重点段落归纳法 、 课后问题归纳法 归纳文章的主要内容。 4.学会用 课题分析法 、 重点段落分析法 、 分析主要内容法 、 找文中总结、小结、过渡或议论等关键句法 归纳文章的中心思想。 5.学会逐步掌握 分析综合、抽象概括、逻辑推理 的思维方法。 6.学会用 总结提高的方法 检查自己的学习方法、学习效果,使自己的学习方法更科学,更系统,更完善。
进行汉语拼音、识字写字、听说、阅读、写话的训练。从心理特征上看,低年级的学生正处在七至八岁阶段,他们的思维是以具体形象为主要形式,在认识、理解事物或学习时往往要借助实物或形象。要学生掌握简单的学习方法,具体说来就是: 1.借助形象物学习汉语拼音和简单的汉字。 2.学会写字的基本方法。 3.能用形象记忆法、趣味记忆法、情境记忆法背诵课文。 4.学会按一定顺序观察图画和简单事物的方法。 5.通过先想后说的方法,说、写完整的话,通顺的话,规范的话。 6.课后能用复习的方法巩固所学知识。 教师或家长要根据儿童的心理特征,采用形象、直观的手段,教会学生学习。这个阶段中学生学会学习方法,多数是从教师教学的过程中潜移默化感知到的。0.91+1.25=
10-0.76=6 a bi
1.裤子 2、鞋 3、太好了 4、衬衣 5、 衣服
ke ride Sam and for I went yesterday郑板桥在外任职时,曾将他六岁的儿子小宝留在乡下,由他的弟弟广大职工墨代养。郑墨对小宝十分宠爱。小宝常说:“我爹在外面做大官!”有时小宝还欺侮人家的孩子,这些事郑板桥知道后,心里很,就给弟弟写信道:“我52岁才生一个