(football, breakfast, get, worker, morning, lunch, afternoon, student, enjoy, eat, piano, have, 7:00)
I m a 1 . I 2 up at 6:00 in the 3 . I have 4
My family lives in Hsi-hu. there are four people in my family. they are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin. He is a handsome man. He has big eyes. His hair is straight. He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She likes to read books, too. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is an independent girl. She is very graceful. I am a student, too. But I study in a junior high school. I go to school every weekend. I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. I like my family because each family member helps me a lot.
at 6:30. Then I take a bus and go to work at __5 . I work in a big factory. I 6 lunch in the factory. I often 7 tomatoes and soup. I go home at 5:00 in the 8 . I often play the 9 in the evening. I 10 my life.Hello, I am Zoom. I get up at 6:00 in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at 7:00.We do morning exercises at 8:00. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at 5:00 p.m.. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. What about yours?,听他们的对话,是陪老人去医院看病的,正好跟我同路。
一、把认识结构作为作文的核心,包括学习知识,观察积累,记忆储存,训练思维,丰富想象,培养情感,锻炼意志;从说到写,推敲修改,多读勤写。 二、提高认识事物和表达事物的能力。我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生指出: 写任何
在整个小学阶段,每个学期都要开设几门课程,每周、每日学习的内容都不同,各主要学科都要有课外练习,如果没有学习计划,就会手忙脚乱,杂乱无章,影响学习效果。要明白制定学习计划的重要性,明确学习计划的内容,掌握制定学习计划的方法。 学习计划包括长期计划和短期计划两种。长期计划以一学期为宜,从总体上对各学科的学习作出全面的安排。短期计划以一周为宜,对本周内每天的学习内容、学习目的、保障措施和作息时间作出详细具体的安排。 学习计划要具体、明确、切实可行,同时又要留有充分的余地,以保证计划的灵活性和适应性。在执行中既要坚定不移,又要根据实际适当调整,目的在于使学习计划更加切合实际,更为有效地提高学习效果。
东西决定于认识和经验,有什么样的认识和经验,才能写出什么样的东西来。反之,没有表达认识的能力,同样也写不出好作文 。 三、作文大目标的逐年级分解:一年级字词,二年级句子,三年级片断,四年级篇章,五年级综合,六年级提高。 四、树立大作文观,听、说、读、写有机结合 一要注重审题;二要明确写作目的,立意要新;三是选材要有根据;四要讲究谋篇技巧,安排好篇章结构;五要注意文章分段,事先列小标题,作文提纲;六要注重文章写法,因文用法;七要妙用语言,用思想调遣语言。 学会五种立意法:以事赞人,直抒胸臆,借物喻理,触景生情,托物言志。曹灿:喝完14瓶汽水后还剩下2个空瓶,这时小强他们可以先向店主要1瓶汽水,喝
完后正好用3个空瓶换1瓶汽水还给他,这样不就喝到了15瓶汽水吗?Did Mr Green two days ago
.依托树的绿 表达了作者心中充满着期望,绿色象征着期望与生命。