A. Yes, she is. B. No, he
课文叙述的顺序是,闻到的(一阵清香) 看到的(荷叶、荷花) 想到的(穿着雪白的衣裳翩翩起舞)。
isn t. C. Yes, he is几百年来,人们认为要在四分钟内跑完一英里(1.6093千米)是不可能的。但是在1954年5月6日,美国运动员班尼斯特打破了这个世界记录。
写作业是经过独立思考,自觉、有目的地分析问题、解决问题,将学得的知识运用于实际的智力活动过程。通过写作业可以检查学习的结果,加深对知识的理解和记忆,充分发挥自己的智慧和潜力,同时也有助于培养自己的思维能力,养成良好的学习态度和学习习惯,因而要掌握写作业的正确方法。 (1)先复习后写作业,即在认真复习、充分理解的基础上完成作业。 (2)仔细审题,即了解题意,明确习题的目的要求,弄清已知条件和未知条件及解决问题的关键所在,做到心中有数。 (3)认真表述,即思路清晰,表述确切,书写规范,答案准确,干净利落。 (4)细心检查,即根据习题的目的要求,逐字逐句地检查、验证,发现错误及时纠正;同时,对教师的批改、批语要认真思考,从而不断地总结经验,吸取教训,不断提高。
去听课会有解惑的快乐,也更听得进去,容易掌握; 2、参与交流和互动,不要只是把自己摆在 听 的旁观者,而是 听 的参与者,积极思考老师讲的或提出的问题,能回答的时候积极回答(回答问题的好处不仅仅是表现,更多的是可以让你注意力更集中)。 3、听要结合写和思考。纯粹的倾听很容易放松,能记住几点,所以我们必须学会快速整理记忆。 如果你因为种种原因,出现了那些似懂非懂、不懂的知识,课后一定要花时间去弄懂。否则,问题会积累得越来越多,最终我们将不得不等待迎接 三不四 的考试分数。 高效记忆方法: 会记忆:1、要学会整合知识点。比如:把需要记忆的信息、掌握的知识分类,做成思维导图或知识点卡片,这样会让你的大脑、思维条理清醒,方便记忆、温习、掌握。同时,学会将新知识与你所学到的知识联系起来,不断地融合和完善你的知识体系。这样能够促进理解,加深记忆。 所谓合理,一是要交替复习不同性质的课程,如文理交叉,历史与地理交叉,这可使大脑皮层的不同部位轮流兴奋与抑制,有利于记忆能力的增强与开发;二是在最佳时间识记,具体根据自己实际情况来选择。 3、借助高效工具。快速阅读是一种高效的阅读学习方法,其训练有助于激活我们的 脑、眼 潜能,培养形成眼脑直映式的阅读学习方式,主要练习提升阅读速度、注意力、记忆力、理解力、思维力等方面。掌握后,在阅读文章中,可以快速提取材料的关键点,促进整理分析,提高理解和记忆效率;同时,阅读速度快,还节省了大量的时间,便于做其他事情。具体学习可以:精英特全脑速读记忆训练软件。 学习思维映射,思维映射是放射性思维具体化的一种方式,也是一种高效整理和促进理解和记忆的方法。不仅在记忆上可以让你大脑里的资料系统化、图像化,还可以帮助你思维分析问题,其训练原理就在于激活 脑、眼 潜能。然而,学习思维图并灵活运用并不容易。这需要很长时间。前面说的 精英特全脑速读记忆训练软件 中也有关于思维导图的练习和方法讲解,可以参考学习。 总结提升方法: 4、学会总结。①总结考试成绩,通过总结学会正确地看待分数。只有当你正确地看待成绩时,你才不会被他们蒙住眼睛,而是专注于学习的过程和背后的秘密。 二是总结考试的成功与失败,找出成功与失败的原因,这是考试结束后总结的中心任务。当然,学习取决于努力的过程,但分数是知识和技能的象征之一。辛勤工作的过程是否合理经常反映在分数上。 一是要总结考试成绩,通做出对应的一些解题思路(不解要知道这题怎么解,还有知道这一类型的题要怎么解)。 三是通过总结确定下阶段的努力方向。(1)万以内的进位加法是教学的重点,学生常常容易出现错误。
There was a poor farmer in the c
Open the door打开门 Sweep the floor. 扫地。
ountry. He had a wife with a warm heart. The only things they had were a small piece of rice field, a farm and a horse.One day, the farmer said to his wife. We have to exchange the horse with other goods, tomorrow at the market. Yes, we do. We don t need a horse because we have no chance of going far away. His wife agreed with him.
The next day, the farmer went to the market riding on horseback. He found a good cow while he was looking around the market. Mm. That cow will be good. We will be able to drink fresh milk everyday. The farmer smiled and went close to the cow.
If you want to sell this cow, how about exchanging your cow with my horse? The owner of the cow took a look at the horse for a while. He felt strange because the horse was much more expensive than the cow. The horse looked healthy on the whole. The owner of the cow laughed loudly and agreed to the deal.
The farmer was very happy, too. Everything s okay. Now I have to go back to my house. As he walked not a long distance with the cow, he saw a plump, soft-haired goat. Suddenly he wanted to have the goat. It would be much easier to raise a goat than a cow. And goat s milk tastes good.
Hey, why don t we exchange your goat with my cow? The owner of the goat thought that was a golden opportunity, after he heard the farmer. Of course, I ll be glad to. This was how the farmer exchanged his cow with the goat.
Today is my lucky day. The farmer even hummed to himself. After a while, he saw a young man holding a goose tightly with his two hands. That goose looks very healthy. Its hair is rich. It would be nice if we could raise such a great goose in our depression. The farmer wanted to have the goose, so he exchanged his goat with the goose.
After a short time, he met a guy who was holding a cute hen in his arms. Cock-a-doodle-do, cock-a-doodle-do! The hen s voice sounded very healthy. What a nice hen! This time, he also wanted to have the hen. The farmer approached the guy and asked him to exchange his goose with the hen. Of course the owner of the hen agreed to his suggestion.
It was already late afternoon when he exchanged his animals several times. Oh, I am hungry! I am going to have lunch in a restaurant. The farmer held his hen and headed to a restaurant. A young man was carrying a heavy bag on his shoulder in front of the restaurant.
Look, young man. What s inside of that bag? He looked at the bag and asked. Oh, This? These are rotten apples. The young man said.
Rotten apples? We had only one apple from our apple trees last year. That s amazing that he has such a lot of apples. If we use those rotten apples as fertilizer, our trees will bear lots of apples, too. The farmer exchanged his hen with the rotten apples.
Then, he went into the restaurant and had lunch. And he told his story how he happened to exchange one thing and another, and finally he got the rotten apples. An rich old man listened to the farmer s story and said, You are such a hopeless fellow. If you go back to your house, your wife will be mad at you. No way. My wife has never been angry at me. All right, if your wife will not be angry about your story today, I will give you a package of gold coins.
After that, the farmer went back to his house with the old rich man. And he told his wife the whole story about how he came back with the rotten apples. Then, his wife said, Oh, that s great. We will have as many apples as those rotten apples. The farmer s wife even smiled happily.
In the end, the old rich man had to give them a package of gold coins. Therefore the farmer became very rich.在晚上7:00听英语,则天天一到这个时间就帮孩子筹备好,让孩子培养习惯。听英语时,能听一句跟着说一句,并对比我们的发音,尽可能模仿,自身纠正。
苹果 苹果绿 袍泽 皮袍 旗袍 长袍