一、猜谜语记忆法:根据字的形或义,可以编一些谜语来帮助记忆。如 三日 (晶), 三口 (品) 长女的妹妹 (姿)等等。
二、故事记忆法:可以根据某些字的特殊形义编一个小故事来记忆。如 裹 字,可编故事为:有个小孩,摘了不少野果子,回家时不好拿。他灵机一动,脱下身上的衣服,把野果子包起来,高高兴兴地提着回家了。这就是 果 之所以在 衣 中的缘故。
三、组合记忆法:可以把一个较繁的字拆成几个单独的字来记忆。如 赢 字可拆为 亡 口 月 贝 凡 , 腐 字可拆为 广 付 肉 等。这类字有:路、明、冀
四、对比记忆法:这是根据字的间架结构相近或字音相同、相近来归类、对比而记忆的一种方法。例如 跑 抱 袍 炮 这四个字,字形、字音相近,容易混淆,若归类、比较后,可编成顺口溜加以区分。如 有足就是跑,有手就是抱,有衣就是袍,有火就是炮 .
实践表明,学生的学习兴趣是自主学习的原动力。教学中,教师应积极地为学生创设一种情趣盎然的学习气氛,使学生受到陶冶、感染和激励,从而主动学习。在课堂上教师应大胆地让学生进行自由讨论、交流,赞扬学生一些独特看法,让学生真切地感受到学习是快乐的。这样自主学习的劲头就更足了。 1、引入情境,激发探究心理 一堂课上每个环节都很重要,但要让学生自始自终处于积极的自主学习状态,创设情境尤为关键。在教学二年级阅读拓展课《酸的和甜的》,我创设了实物情境。把学生引入情境之中,使学生积极主动地参与到教学过程中。我是这样导入新课的: (出示一串葡萄)小朋友们,你们看,这是什么水果?谁来尝尝是什么味道?(指名上台品尝)告诉大家味道怎样?(甜甜的)奇怪了,葡萄明明是甜的,味道好极了。有一群小动物却都嚷着: 葡萄是酸的,不能吃!这究竟是怎么回事呢?今天我们学习文章《酸的和甜的》 一问完,学生们都争先恐后地回答。学生对课文已有了初步感性认识。通过情境的创设,把学生带入《酸的和甜的》的情境中。都想去了解葡萄究竟是什么味道。 另外,我还用图画展现形象,产生美感,把学生引入情境。比如《妈妈的爱》的教学,利用音乐产生美感,把学生带入遐想的境界。无论是因好奇,还是因为关注,都是他们形成一种努力探究的心理,从而积极主动地参与到教学过程中。 2、利用情境,激发学生学习动机 动机是活动的原动力。学习动机是推动学生参与学习活动心理动因。学生学习的积极性、主动性在引入情境后被激起。如果教学还是那样刻板,按老办法、老观念去教。教学手段单一,学生的学习动机定会下降。因此,在引入情境后,根据课文情节的不同、内容的不同,使情境得以持续。教师应不断创设情境,开成连动的整体情境。 二、引导探究是学生自主学习的关键 要想使学生自主学习的主动性能保持下去,关键在于掌握语文学习方法,教师应让学生积极参与,主动探究,这就要求教师做好引导,促进学生自主学习进行探究。让学生在自主学习中去领会、去发现,在自主学习中学会合作交流,掌握自主学习方法。 1、小组合作开辟自主空间 教师作为引导者,应指导学生主动参与的意识。充分调动学生的学习欲望。发挥其学习的主动性。我从很早就提倡小组合作学习。如何使这一组织教学不流于形式我首先给学习小组确定一个明确的目标。如我在教学《不懂就问》时,我提出这样的学习目标:(1)我会读:大声朗读课文,读准字音,可自由读,也可小组合作读;(2)我会问:在学习小组里提出不理解地方,让小组伙伴共同交流解决;(3)我会讲:把你读文后的感受说给小组伙伴听。长此以往,学生经过这样的训练在以后的读文中就会自觉的给自己小组提出学习要求。培养了学生自主学习的能力,学生的学习能力提高了,那学习的兴趣可想而知就会更浓了。 另外小组学习的内容可以选择。语文教学中,如能让学生们自主选择自己喜欢的段落学习,后在小组内交流,那学生的学习兴趣定会大大提高。我以《春雪》为例,由于这是一则拓展的古诗,所以我让学生首先画出你心中的春天的雪景来表达自己美好的心愿,然后再让学生在交流中情绪高涨,全班交流时个个跃跃欲试。古诗内容就在学生朗读交流、展示中理解、感悟了。而教师只是在小组合作过程中参与其中起到引导的作用。 一个问题提下去,如果不给足时间让学生在小组内讨论交流,那将会给课堂带来冷场。作为教师不要让小组合作流于形式。学生还未充足地去讨论,更不可能产生创造性思维与真情流露,教师就草草收场,势必起到反作用,长此以往学生自主学习的能力就得不到提高。对于小组学习的结果,教师要及时给予评价。评价可多方面,教师对学生学习的反馈的评价,学生与学生之间的评价,小组与小组之间的评价都要有详细地分析。我设计了一些表格进行每月评价,在学期结束对每月评价制作统计表来向学生展示小组学习的结果。我认为作为教师只要精心付出,学生定会还你一个惊喜。 2、质疑问难,发现问题自主学习 创造性思维是人问题开始的。培养学生发现问题、提出问题的能力,首先要鼓励他们敢于和善于质疑问难。中国古人说:学贵有疑。小疑则小进,大疑则大进。要培养学生善于从无疑处生疑,从看似平常处见奇,这是发现问题的起点。如我在教《儿子们》这篇课文后,我班侯杰懿同学提出: 老师,我觉得前面的两个儿子其实也是在帮助妈妈,只不过他们所用的方式是不一样的,所以我觉得他们也应该被称作儿子。 说得真好,我精心准备的教案用不上了,我灵机一动何不让学生自己找答案呢?这样不仅锻炼了口语能力,又极好地引导学生深入理解课文,学生跃跃欲试,整节课学生都处在积极的自主学习中,创新思维的火花在这里闪耀。 课堂教学是属于学生的,教师只有根据学生的需求,引导学生自主探究、质疑释疑,这样才能充分发挥学生自主参与,自主探究知识的能力。
大家好!今天,我很荣幸地在这里,作为你们孩子的英语老师,和你们共同探讨一下 怎样帮助孩子学好英语 ,由于水平有限,不当之处,敬请批评指正。首先我向大家作一下自我介绍。我姓崔,学生都称我为Miss cui.
首先介绍一下教材,三年级英语,是小学英语学习中一个重要的起步阶段。我相信现在很多家长都知道,小学里的英语教材和中学的英语教材完全是衔接的,而不是到了初中还会重新学习。如果现在的英语没有学好,那相对来说,将来初中学起来就比较累。所以我们只有现在打好良好的基础,才不会导致英语越学越难、越学越差。现在,我们的孩子都是在同一起跑线上起跑的,但经过一段时间学习,学生与学生之间就会拉开差距。这是为什么呢?一些好的学生学习兴趣浓,学习劲头足,课堂上积极思维,踊跃发言,课后及时巩固,形成了良性循环的好势头。他们的学习习惯好,在听、说、读、写方面都能齐头并进。可也有一些学生,平时学习马虎,基础不扎实,功亏一篑,导致他们现在课上听讲困难,用他们自己的话说: 老师上课,我听不懂。 听不懂,还不努力,书面作业拖拉不交,口头作业根本不完成,如此一来,学习自然成了件头痛事,麻烦事。其实,大部分的学生还是处于中间层次,老师所教的,所布置的作业能够基本完成,但学习的效率又因人而异,存在着个体差别。尽管他们平时不需要老师操太多的心,费太大的力,但是说起各方面的表现,又总有一丝遗憾。我们都希望他们能够再上一个台阶。因此请家长一定要从现在起重视孩子的英语学习。
(1)让孩子多听录音 在少儿英语教学中,首先是加强听力训练和说话训练,然后才是读写能力的培养。听说能力差,用英语进行交际的能力也就差。因此要确保孩子每天至少边听录音,边跟读课文15分钟,要读出声音,最好家长在旁监督,会更有效。有时学生可能会认为我已会背了,不需听磁带了,这是很不好的习惯,毕竟听磁带对学生听力能力的提高很有帮助。为此,家长一定要配合学校来要求孩子,要创造条件让孩子多听纯正的录音,听几遍、听清楚了以后,跟着说,尽量让孩子模仿录音中的发音。
(2)让孩子大声说英语 家长要每天询问孩子学习英语的情况,不管当天有无英语课。家长要鼓励孩子每天大声地朗读、对话、问答,大声说,不害羞,这样有利于清楚地表达自己,也有利于他人纠正自己的错误。另外,还请各位家长在家里督促孩子保质保量地完成英语作业,该读的读、该说的说、该写的写、该记的记,及时巩固,养成良好的习惯。父母亲的良好榜样起着很大作用。孩子一般还没有明确的学习目的,这时,父母亲对学习的态度,特别是行为,会极大地影响孩子。千万不能纵容自己的孩子第一次说:英语好难,我学不好;就任由他去。你让你的孩子知道:今天,你花大时间去养成好习惯,明天,你就可以更好。今天,你偷懒了一会,你明天的作业就会更多。累积下来,你就是欠债最多的人。 (3)要认识英语单词和句子。在我任教的一名学生在一次期中考试中,没有考好。跑来他问我: 崔老师,我都能把课文和单词背出来,为什么还是没有考好? 那我就问他,你都认识试卷上的单词和句子吗?他说不认识。所以我建议各位家长,要求孩子在读课文时,必须要看着书读。只有看得多了,就会认识了。
孩子是每个家庭的重心和希望,有一位家长说过: 要把培养孩子当作自己的事业来做。 是啊,只要你多投入一点,相信你的孩子会给予你更多的回报!
说了这么多,希望我们向着共同的目标:支持并帮助孩子踏踏实实地学好英语 。 最后,再次感谢你们的支持,愿我们的学生在学校、老师、家长的共同努力下,都能成 龙 、成 凤 。
七. Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与所给内容是否相符,相符的打 ,不相符的打 。)
五个渔夫一起去河边钓鱼。一天下来,发现有个人丢了正在这时,一个小女孩从河边经过。她问了问情况,马上看出了问题所在,略施小计就找到了 丢失的渔夫 ,并赢得了全部的鱼!她是如何找到的呢?
One day five fishermen go fishing. They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. What a fine supper we will have! says one fisherman. Now let s go home. Are we all here? Let me count first, says another. One, two, three, four. Oh, no! One of us is missing! It cannot be! says another. So he begins to count. One, two, three, four. I see four fishermen too! One of us has drowned! All the fishermen hug each other. They cry and cry.
Just then a little girl comes by. Why are you so sad? she asks them. One fisherman is missing, says one fisherman. One, two, three, four, he counts again.The little girl sees his mistake right away. The fisherman forgets to count himself. Will you give me your fish if I find your friend? she asks. Yes! Yes! they say.
Now jump into the river one at a time, the little girl tells them. And I will count you. Splash! Splash... The fishermen jump into the river one by one. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Five! the fishermen shout, We found our lost friend! The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. They have no fish for supper. But they are all together and happy again.
4.( )I like painting, so my parents took me to the Japan Pavilion (日本馆) to see the famous paintings.
1.F.从文章第一句One day five fishermen go fishing.可以知道他们是去 钓鱼 ,不是去 打猎 噢
2.T.从文章第二、三句They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. 可以知道 每个渔夫都钓到了一条大鱼呢! 可是题目中说的是small fish 小鱼 ,所以本题错误啦。
3.F.从文章倒数第三句The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. 可以知道这题是正确的噢。
I have a lovely bedroom. there is a bed in my bedroom. there is a desk near my bed. there is a pink doll on my bed.
I sleep with it every night. there is a big window in my bedroom. the yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. there are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much.
I am a chinese girl and i study in wuyilu primary school. i get up very early in the morning and then help my mother cook breakfast. after breakfast, i walk to school, because it s not far from my house.
I have many friends at school. we often help each other with our lessons.my mother is forty-six years old, and she works in meet all supermarket. it s near my school. the supermarket is very big, and it sells all kinds of things. the students in my school often buy school things there.
my father is two years younger than my mother. he is in the same supermarket, but he doesn t sell things. he s a driver.
My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute. Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?
I have a friend. Her name is Candy. She is twelve year old. She has black and short hair. She has a little mouth, two big eyes. She is so cute. Her mom and dad love her. She has a happy family. Her friends like her too, So she s happy every day.
She is a student of Yi Zong Fu Xiao. She is in Class Four Grade Six. She studies very hard. English is her favourite subject. She likes to speak English. She can speak English very well now. She always says Learn by doing. So she thinks speaking is very important in learning English.
We are very busy studying when we are in school. But on the weekend, we are free. We often do homework together on Saturdays. After that, we can watch TV at home. Sometimes, we play games. We have the same hobbies. She likes riding bikes and watching TV and so do I. Her favourite sport is swimming. She s very good at it. She often teaches me how to swim in summer.
It s my grandma s birthday today. She lives with my uncle in a village not far from Taiyuan. We decided to visit her.
At eight o clock in the morning, my parents and I went to a shop and bought a big birthday cake. It took us two hours to go there in my father s car. My grandma and uncle were very glad to see us. I shook her by the hand and said, Happy birthday to you! She smiled happily. Then we sat down to talk, and we had a wonderful time together. At 5 o clock in the afternoon we said goodbye to them and went home.
It is summer vacation and school is out. During summer vacation, most children stay home, watch TV and play with their friends. Some take part in a neighborhood sports program and some go camping. A camp is summer vacation place for children. they can go swimming, mountain climbing or boating. Now, there are computer camps. At th is camp, children learn how to use computers, which is very important today. Most children enjoy playing computer games. At the computer camps, they can learn more about computers and make friends easily. If you don u don t have a plan yet for your vacation, a computer camp should be.
Firstly,i descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn t know it clearly.
Secondly,i will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try to combine thoery to practice.
I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you.
On Saturday morning, I am going to the bookstore. I m going to buy some story-books and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading story-books. I find them very interesting. Then I am going home. My home is near the bookstore. So I am going by bike. I like riding my bike. In the evening, I am going to play the piano. Playing piano is my hobby.
On Sunday morning, I am going to do my homework. Now I am in Grade Six. I want to enter a good middle school next year. So I must study hard. In the afternoon, I am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. My mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. Am I right.
On Sunday evening, I am going back to school by school bus. I love my weekend, how about you? Tell me something about your weekend.
Hello! I am Tian jin hua. I live in wei yang hu garden. I am very happy to have a new pen pal like you.
I am a boy. I like listening to music very much . I have a happy family. My dad is an engineer. He likes working with numbers. My mum has no job. She is a kind mother. She does housework every day to keep our home clean.
It s our duty to protect the environment. I think we should keep our schools and cities clean and tidy. Here are some of my views:
Don t spit in public and throw rubbish everywhere .And we should plant trees and flowers around the city. It s important to recycle paper and water. Don t forget to turn off the lights when we leave the room. We had better walk or ride bikes to school to keep our streets clean. We must do our best to make our world more and more beautiful in the future. Do you think so ?
My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It s in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do. We often celebrate Spring Festival by having a big dinner, visiting relatives and friends, getting some red packets and letting off fireworks. We often have a big dinner from the first day of Spring Festival to the last day. We often go to our relatives home and have a big dinner and also we have a big dinner at home. We often have many things to talk and we are very happy. After dinner, we watch the TV programs of CCTV. There are many plays, and we often laugh at them. At midnight, we don t go to bed but wait for the new day. We always let off fireworks. It s very exciting and interesting! At Spring Festival, we always visit our relatives and friends too. We go shopping with them, and children are very excited to visit their relatives because they can get some red packets from their relatives. There is some money in it and children can use it to buy toys, books or some snacks.
Our English teacher, Mrs Wang, is about forty years old. She always wears a pair of glasses. She is very strict with us. When we make a mistake, she often makes us stand up. But we hear that her home is far from our school. Every morning she has to walk to school for forty minutes. And she is never late. Then we come to see that Mrs Wang loves us dearly. She teaches us so carefully. In fact, she is a good teacher.
With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for working.Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the traffic.Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated industries. I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann t live without it.
My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.
Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.
Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.
My name is Long Tao. I want to be a astronomer. For becoming a astronomer, I often went to see the spaceflight and spread and read the book on astronomy.
One day, I m reading a book of cosmos in my room. I wonder fell asleep some day, and I had a dream. Dreamt I myself and drive the airship get to the outer space the and meet a Extraterrestrial. I the all the way follows him, suddenly was found by him, I give regards friendly to him and the hope becomes friends with him ,He was very happy, and we have a appointment: after I have grown up, I certainly go to outer space to call on him again. We had a good time Get up! Get up!...... Mother was claping me on the back ,Oh! So I am in the dream!
Aftertaste just now interesting dream ,I even it became a astronomer to think of. Then I had become a astronomer, I certainly study the astronomy hard, I return more knowledge, Study out the more cosmos profound mystery, and Untie the bing confused of more astronomy. It is higher to manufacture out walk can airship of spaceflight. The outer space in my illusion is such mysterious, It is slipshod to have everywhere flash of starting to burn, there is fantastic animal on some of the planets. Let human beings realize the dream to roam complete galaxy. I will carry on my ambition. I would try my best to finish it. Maybe I will meet the Extraterrestrial when I space. YEAH!
I often read books, do housework and play sports on the weekend. But last Sunday was my grandma s birthday. So I bought presents for my grandma on Saturday morning. Then I went to the bookstore in the afternoon. I like reading story-books. I found them very interesting. So I bought some story-books and a notebook. Then I went home.
On Sunday morning I visited my grandparents with my parents. We went shopping together. In the afternoon we went fishing. We had a big dinner in the evening. After dinner, we watched TV together. We were very happy.
I am going to Dongguan next weekend. I think it is going to be busy. I hope everyone can enjoy their weekends.
在小学数学学习中,四年级数学是最重要的。那么四年级学生是如何学习数学的呢?下面是关于四年级如何学习数学的相关内容,希望能对您有所帮助。 我们知道,数学成绩与学习习惯有非常直接的关系,学习习惯如果不好,数学提高的难度会不小,因此,建议各位家长让孩子 养成 巩固 强化 下面这些数学学习习惯,赢在新学期。 1.认真预习的习惯 有效的预习,能提高学习新知识的目的性和针对性,可以提高学生课上听讲的效率,改变被动学习的局面;同时也是培养自学习惯,提高自学能力最有效的途径。 数学学科的学习,要十分重视学生课前预习习惯的培养。 家长可以让孩子自己去看书、去发现问题,让他们课前对新知识有所了解。 2.认真听课的习惯 这里的听 课 ,应包括两方面的意思: 会听,一是指在课堂上,精力要集中,不做与学习无关的动作,要认真倾听老师的点拨、指导,要抓住新知识的生长点,新旧知识的联系。 二是要认真听其它同学的发言,对他人的观点、回答能做出公正的评价和必要的补充。 3.认真回顾的习惯 为了避免遗忘,只是知识,或多或少存在一些问题,这些问题必须尽快解决,而不是抱着 明天,明天天 的态度来处理。 同时,即使是在课堂上被理解,但上课后不做回溯和练习,很容易忘记,导致基础知识薄弱,分数自然就不会去了。 所以一定要让你的孩子定期复习,比如睡前半小时复习一天的学习,周末复习一周的重点等等。 认真完成作业的习惯。 家庭作业是课堂教学的升华。家
复习是指对学过的知识重新学习的过程。复习包括课后复习和系统复习两种。课后复习的主要目的在于理解和巩固当天学到的知识。系统复习的主要目的是对周、月、学期或学年学过的知识进行全面深入的复习,目的在于融会贯通,理解和掌握学科知识的体系。系统复习本质上是对前段学习的知识进行相对集中的再加工的过程。 课后复习的方法包括: (1)回顾教师课堂讲授的内容及其过程,目的在于弄清哪些完全理解了,哪些没有理解,使进一步的复习具有鲜明的针对性和目的性; (2)复习课本,目的在于深化; (3)整理笔记,对课堂记得不完整或不准确的地方加以补充和修正,使之更加系统、完整,便于复习; (4)对课本中不懂、不会的难点问题,查阅工具书或参考书,力求弄懂弄通,实在弄不明白的,问教师或与同学研究解决。 系统复习的方法也是多样的。比如循环复习法,是指学过一个单元之后即及时复习,然后再学下一单元,学完第二单元之后,再把这两个单元综合起来系统复习,以此类推,循环至终。分配复习法,指学过的内容及时复习之后在时间上每隔一定时期回过头来再复习,只是在时间间隔上逐渐拉长。比如上一单元讲过的内容及时复习,一周后再复习,两周后再回头简略地复习,一个月或一季度后再复习。事实表明,分配复习的效果优于集中复习。当然集中复习也有其优势,比如在期末总复习时,相对集中一段时间,对学习内容中的重点、难点问题,重点突破,进行系统化的复习,也是十分重要的。
庭作业可以检查儿童的学习效果,巩固课堂上所学的知识,加深对教材知识的理解。 完成作业,是学生最基本、最经常的学习实践活动;强调独立完成作业也是每一个学生养成良好习惯的好机会。 (1)规范书写,保持书写清洁的习惯。 作业的格式、数字的书写、数学符号的书写都要规范。 (2)良好的行为习惯。 独立思考,独立做作业,不要抄袭别人的作业。 5.认真审题习惯 试题是正确解决问题的前提,培养认真考试的习惯是提高学习成绩的保证。因此,我们应该认真阅读这些问题,并迅速阅读。相反,我们应该细嚼慢咽。找出问题与工作条件之间的关系,有想法重新开始笔,而不是随机公式。 具体做法学习计划是实现学习目标的保证。但有些学生对自己的学习毫无计划,整天忙于被动应付作业和考试,缺乏主动的安排。因此。看什么、做什么、学习什么都心中无数。他们总是被动地考虑 老师要我做什么 而不是主动去想 我要做什么 。 (2)不会科学利用时间 时间对每个人都是公平的。有的学生能在有限的时间内,把自己的学习、生活安排得从从容容;而有的学生虽然忙忙碌碌,经常加班加点,却忙不到点子上,实际效果不佳。有的学生不善于挤时间,他们经常抱怨: 每天上课、回家、吃饭、做作业、睡觉,哪还有多余的时间供自己安排? ,还有的学生平时松松垮垮,临到考试手忙脚乱。这种现象都是不会科学利用时间的反映。 (3)不求甚解、死记硬背 死记硬背不假思索地重复,多次重复直到大脑中留下印象为止。它不需要理解,不讲究记忆方法和技巧,是最低形式的学习。它常常使记忆内容相互混淆,而且不能长久记忆,当学习内容没有条理,或学生不愿意花时间去分析学习内容的条理和意义时,学生往往会采用死记硬背的方法。依赖这种方法的学生会说; 谢天谢地,考试总算结束了。现在我可以把那些东西忘得一于二净了。 (4)不能形成知识结构 知识结构是知识体系在学生头脑中的内化反映,也就是指知识经过学生输入、加工、储存过程而在头脑中形成有序的组织状态。构建一定的知识结构在学习中很重要的。如果没有合理的知识结构,再多的知识也只能成为一盘散沙,无法发挥出它们应有的功效。有的学生单元测验成绩很好,可一到综合考试就不行了。其原因也往往在于他们没有掌握知识间的联系,没有形成相应的知识结构。这种学生对所学内容与学科之间,对各章节之间不及时总结归纳整理,致使知识基本上处于 游离状态 。这种零散的知识很容易遗忘,也很容易张冠李戴。 (5)不会听课 这主要表现在课前不预习,对上课内容完全陌生,无法带着疑问去学;听课时开小差不记笔记,或充当录音机的角色,把老师所讲的一字不漏地记录下来,只让自己的记录与教师的讲述保持同步,而不让自己的思路与教师保持同步;课后不及时地复习。听完课就万事大吉等等。 (6)不会阅读 这主要表现在不善于选择阅读书目,完全凭个人兴趣或完全听从老师父母的安排;没有阅读重点,处理不好 博 与 精 的关系,要么广种薄收,要么精读于一而漏万;不会快速阅读,阅读之后没什么收获。 (7)不会抓重点和难点 学习方法不当的学生,抓不住学习的重点和难点,找不到学习上的突破口和浪费了时间与精力。 (8)不能理论联系实际 在看书和听课时,不善于寻找重点和难点,眉毛胡子一把抓,全面出击,分散理论知识与实际操作相结合是非常重要而有效的学习方法,所谓 学而必习,习又必行 。而方法不当的学生往往只满足于学习书本上的知识,不善于在实践中学习、在实践中运用,不能用所学知识解决实际问题。具体表现为动手能力差,不喜欢上实践课和操作课,不关心现实生活。 (9)不善于科学用脑 这主要表现在学习时不注意劳逸结合,不善于转移大脑兴奋中心,使大脑终日昏昏沉沉,影响学习效率。
有很多,如父母先示范读题方法,孩子边指边读,强调多读,弄懂题目具体有几个已知条件和问题,遇到不懂的及时作上记号,养成用符号标记习惯,同时指导分析对比的方法。 6.认真计算的习惯 计算是中学生数学学习中最基本的技能。 一个从小就能审慎计算的人,在日后的行动中,不会轻易犯粗心的错误。 特别是一些基本问题,学生误算有很多人,所以要认真计算,无论问题都很难认真对待。 7.检验改错的习惯 由此,在日常练习中应把检查和验算当作不可缺少的步骤,养成检验的好习惯。 平时,家长建议孩子进行一些判断、选择、纠错等类型的训练,每当练习本、试题下来时,应认真检查错误的原因,及时纠正,逐步养成良好的学习习惯。 此外,错题本一定要备好。 2.自信的学习习惯。 自信是创新者必备的良好心理素质。自信作为一种个性化的学习习惯,在人的一生中发挥着不可替代的作用。通过培养自信的学习习惯,孩子们可以勇于对自己提出更高的要求,看到失败的希望,鼓励自己继续下去。为最终的成功而奋斗。 同时,在日常生活中家长也要提倡孩子独立钻研、分析问题,解决问题;引导、鼓励孩子经常使用 我认为 、 我的想法是 、 再让我来试一试 、 我还有更好的方法 等提出意见的方式,从而唤起孩子的主人翁意识,培养他们克服困难的能力和不怕挫折的精神。 同时,要善于联想、想象,敢于假定任何创造都离不开这种思维习惯,并从小就掌握这种思维方法。例5 在一道除法算式里,被除数扩大5倍,除数缩小5倍,商( )。